Sabrina Miso Creative's In Studio Portraits





7 days before the shoot date & time: 100% refund Between 7 days and 24 hours before the shoot date & time: 50% refund Less than 24 hours before the shoot date & time: no refund Booking is considered cancelled when the client messages the photographer in writing Shoot may be extended with mutual consent. The possibility of an extended shoot should be discussed beforehand. The hourly package rate will apply. Reshoots can be arranged at a cost of 50% of the hourly package rate. Photographer retains copyright over the Photographic Work and is able to use it for self-promotion. The client may make unlimited reproductions of the Photographic Work for family and friends both online and offline. Photoshoots will typically take place rain or shine. For outdoor shoots, an agreed alternate location may be planned in advance. Shoots will only be cancelled and a full refund given in the most extreme circumstances. If the shoot can be rescheduled there will be no additional fees for the customer. 50% deposit at the time of booking, 50% remainder due 3 days after the photoshoot. Payments may be made by credit card upon receiving an invoice.

Sabrina Miso Creative's In Studio Portraits Headshot Photo



If you need a Corporate Headshot or a Lifestyle Portrait, come to Miso studio! 40 Minute of Photography Coverage 2 Enhanced and Edited Digital High Resolution Images Delivery of Final Images Within 14 Days Personal Use License

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Browse Headshot Photography Packages to Book

Headshot Photography Vancouver, BC

This Is It Studios's Lifestyle Headshot Session Photo
This Is It Studios's Lifestyle Headshot Session profile photo

Isabella Sarmiento

Headshot Photography Vancouver, BC

This Is It Studios's Lifestyle Headshot Session

$ 350

I specialize in candid documentary. My philosophy: embrace the weird in you. The quirks, the smirks, and the unguarded moments are the ingredients to making a lifestyle portrait an authentic representation of you. When I'm in the zone, I become some sort of ninja where I blend in and not be obtrusive to anyone or anything. But I can make my presence known whenever I'm needed. I can easily transition from being inconspicuous to guiding a session, giving you prompts and poses to make you look your best. I capture lifestyle headshots from as many different points of view and angles as I can. Above everything else, I want you to feel comfortable in your own skin, enjoy the experience and be confident that you'll end up with incredible photos at the end.

Hello There Photography's Vancouver Professional Headshots Photo
Hello There Photography's Vancouver Professional Headshots profile photo

Terence Wong

Headshot Photography Vancouver, BC

Hello There Photography's Vancouver Professional Headshots

$ 350

Headshots are a way to connect with your potential clients that your textual accolades cannot. A professional headshot is an investment in your personal brand. It showcases you at your best, allowing your prospective clients to see you. Your best clients deal with people, not companies, and it is you or the team members in your business that help establish the long-term relationships with your clients. Professional headshots are now everywhere especially with the help of social media. Be it Facebook or Linkedin, the first thing you see on those pages are one's headshot. They draw attention, and faces help people remember. In this day and age, it is more important than ever to have an impactful headshot that can help get yourself out there. Having the right headshot is just as critical. The wrong or dated image can convey a lack of professionalism or authenticity. This initial bias, whether right or wrong, may have your clients judge you unfavorably and you will never get a second chance to make that first impression. The right headshot will give people an idea of your personality before they meet you, reminds contacts of who you are at that business conference, and should give you the confidence to share more of yourself with others.

Hello There Photography's Vancouver Mini Portrait Photo
Hello There Photography's Vancouver Mini Portrait profile photo

Terence Wong

Headshot Photography Vancouver, BC

Hello There Photography's Vancouver Mini Portrait

$ 350

Headshots are a way to connect with your potential clients that your textual accolades cannot. A professional headshot is an investment in your personal brand. It showcases you at your best, allowing your prospective clients to see you. Your best clients deal with people, not companies, and it is you or the team members in your business that help establish the long-term relationships with your clients. Professional headshots are now everywhere especially with the help of social media. Be it Facebook or Linkedin, the first thing you see on those pages are one's headshot. They draw attention, and faces help people remember. In this day and age, it is more important than ever to have an impactful headshot that can help get yourself out there. Having the right headshot is just as critical. The wrong or dated image can convey a lack of professionalism or authenticity. This initial bias, whether right or wrong, may have your clients judge you unfavorably and you will never get a second chance to make that first impression. The right headshot will give people an idea of your personality before they meet you, reminds contacts of who you are at that business conference, and should give you the confidence to share more of yourself with others.

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