Nadine McKenney Photography's In-Home/Outdoor Cake Smash Photography Session



On your hunt for the perfect cake smash photographer, you have most likely come across a lot of options. Here are the things that make me different from other photographers out there: I am university-educated in photography; I am not self-taught. I carry high-end, professional equipment and duplicate gear just in case one fails or becomes damaged during your session. All my gear is for full-frame equipment only, meaning your photo quality will be prestigious for this precious lifetime moment. I favour the use of prime lenses (not zoom lenses), meaning the natural clarity of the photo will be enhanced. The In-Home/Outdoor Cake Smash Photography Session is ideal for families who would like to shoot in the comfort of their own home. If you would prefer an in-studio session, I also offer an In-Studio Cake Smash Photography Session (see my portfolio).



7 days before the shoot date & time: 100% refund Between 7 days and 24 hours before the shoot date & time: 50% refund Less than 24 hours before the shoot date & time: no refund Booking is considered cancelled when the client messages the photographer in writing Shoot may be extended with mutual consent. The possibility of an extended shoot should be discussed beforehand. The hourly package rate will apply. Reshoots can be arranged at a cost of 50% of the hourly package rate. Photographer retains copyright over the Photographic Work and is able to use it for self-promotion. The client may make unlimited reproductions of the Photographic Work for family and friends both online and offline. Photoshoots will typically take place rain or shine. For outdoor shoots, an agreed alternate location may be planned in advance. Shoots will only be cancelled and a full refund given in the most extreme circumstances. If the shoot can be rescheduled there will be no additional fees for the customer. Payment in full at the time of booking. Payments may be made by credit card upon receiving an invoice.

Nadine McKenney Photography's In-Home/Outdoor Cake Smash Photography Session Package Photo


Print Credit can be used on the online store attached to your online gallery. The store includes many different items such as Canvases, Cards, Prints, Photo Albums, and much more! Canvases: Starting at $86 (8"x10" Image)Additional Digitals: Starting at $15 (1 Image); all digitally edited images available for $300.


45-Minute Photography SessionOne 4" Vanilla CakeCake StandOne Photographer8 Digitally Edited ImagesPersonal Use License

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Browse Newborn & Maternity Photography Packages to Book

Newborn & Maternity Photography Calgary, AB

Nadine McKenney Photography's In-Home Newborn Photography Session Package image
Nadine McKenney profile photo

Nadine McKenney

Newborn & Maternity Photography Calgary, AB

Nadine McKenney Photography's In-Home Newborn Photography Session

$ 350

On your hunt for the perfect newborn photographer, you have most likely come across a lot of options. Here are the things that make me different from other photographers out there: I am university-educated in photography; I am not self-taught. I carry high-end, professional equipment and duplicate gear just in case one fails or becomes damaged during your session. All my gear is for full-frame equipment only, meaning your photo quality will be prestigious for this precious life event. I favour the use of prime lenses (not zoom lenses), meaning the natural clarity of the photo will be enhanced. The In-Home Newborn Photography Session is ideal for families who would like to shoot in the comfort of their own home. If you would prefer an in-studio session, I also offer an In-Studio Newborn Photography Session (see my portfolio).'s Newborn Package image profile photo

Newborn & Maternity Photography Calgary, AB's Newborn

$ 350

Nadine McKenney Photography's Cake Smash Photography Session Package image
Nadine McKenney profile photo

Nadine McKenney

Newborn & Maternity Photography Calgary, AB

Nadine McKenney Photography's Cake Smash Photography Session

$ 350

On your hunt for the  perfect cake smash photographer, you have most likely come across a lot of  options. Here are the things that make me different from other photographers  out there: I am university-educated in photography; I am not self-taught. I  carry high-end, professional equipment and duplicate gear just in case one  fails or becomes damaged during your session. All my gear is for full-frame  equipment only, meaning your photo quality will be prestigious for this  precious lifetime moment. I favour the use of prime lenses (not zoom lenses),  meaning the natural clarity of the photo will be enhanced. The  In-Home/Outdoor Cake Smash Photography Session is ideal for families who  would like to shoot in the comfort of their own home. If you would prefer an  in-studio session, I also offer an In-Studio Cake Smash Photography Session  (see my portfolio).

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