Photography Website Checklist

A website is essential for any business–especially for photographers. It is where customers can come to learn about you and your photography, understanding everything from your photography style, packages, prices, contact information, and more. 

A website can be a lot of different things: It can be a full-blown website created through WordPress, Wix, etc., or maybe just a single page that displays your packages (like how Focal does it!).

However, regardless of what your “website” is created on, there are several things they should all have. Here is your go-to checklist for building your photography website, or giving it the makeover it desperately needs.

At Focal, we preach the idea of treating your photography website and business like a store, not an art gallery. This checklist will help you achieve that! 

READ MORE: Your photography business is a store, not an art gallery

It’s time to transform your website into something your customers will want to visit and book you based off of. First impressions are everything in the business world! You want your website to not only look nice but serve its purpose of providing information to your clients, as well as a simple way to book you.

READ MORE: 3 ways to fix your photography website

Click the link below and check out how Focal can help you create a stunning website–one that keeps clients engaged rather than allows them to bounce. Along with our attractive package templates, we also have a simple booking system that allows you to save time and energy when communicating with and booking clients. Revolutionize your photography business and website with Focal today!


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