What The Focal? Photography Podcast Episode Two with Guest Lindsay Coulter

What The Focal? Episode 2: Get Your Ass UP w/ Lindsay Coulter

Episode 2: Get Your Ass UP! (w/ Lindsay Coulter)

Named One of the Most Inspiring Wedding Photographers in Canada, Lindsay shares her story and advice about growing a business one step at a time.

Her JUST DO IT attitude inspires AUDACITY and will have you jumping out of your seat to GET SHIT DONE!

Plus, we get super off topic on things like climate change, the impact of photography on people’s lives & even sprinkle in some Kardashian references!

Check out this Snippet:

Lindsay: We have decades of the same narrative of, you know, trying to be perfect, and trying to make sure that if you do it, you do it so perfectly. And sometimes it just has to be out there, specially when you're starting out, it really just has to be out there, just has to be done. I think that the first big problem that photographers have to solve is their website and social media presence, right? Because no one knows who you are until you tell them who you are, right? A website and your social media are the two biggest components of that, and they really go hand in hand. It's the first barrier for people that they're like, "Oh, I just don't know how to do that". And I'm like, "it doesn't have to be perfect".

Right off the bat. You know, I really struggled with, "does my website need to be perfect?", but once you get an imperfect site up there, and you feel the momentum, then you realize, "Oh, I can improve on this site now that I have a bigger portfolio, now that I have more of a social media presence". You don't start when it's perfect, because if it was perfect, you wouldn't need it. You wouldn't need to be building it. The idea of 'perfection' is that it's impossible because you'll all always be creating a new thing that needs to be done. To this day, I'm still thinking about how I can improve on my website and how I can improve on my social media. That's not a thing that stops and it shouldn't if you're building a business, it should never stop. So just do what's good enough to get my face out there, to get my product out there, and my services, and have people hit the "Book Me" button. Like, it's just what's the least amount of effort you can put in to get that problem solved? Right. And I think that a lot of new photographers really get hung up on that.

Hear the rest below!

Watch & Listen:

Youtube (Video): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mEwHuH-6P1c

Spotify (Video & Audio): https://open.spotify.com/show/7aQrxpByNmGTvRZUyp2iw0

Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/.../what-the.../id1596180391

WTF is what happens when you have two non-photographers interview some of the best in the biz! You get real, down to earth advice that anyone can understand and put into practice.

Join hosts Sierra Murguly and Kirsty Tait on What the Focal as they explore the ins and outs of running a photography business with ZERO experience by asking the questions pros never get asked. Through sheer curiosity, you’ll hear stories that will have your sides splitting with laughter, inspired to think of your art in new ways and feeling part of a community where you belong.


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