Focal Booking & Payments

Effortless Bookings & Payments

Elevate your client experience

Create seamless and professional client booking pages

No more chasing down clients to pay you! Focal's client booking pages & automated emails show you mean business. Payments are typically made within 1 day of receiving Focal invoices.

Send off a booking in minutes

Set the date, time, and meeting place and then send clients a public booking link so they aren't digging through their emails

Calls to Action & Payment Policies right on your booking page encourage customers to pay on-time

See example Booking

Lightweight and Fully Automated

We designed Focal to make booking clients easy and seamless. No messing around with settings and getting things configured. Focal is as simple as linking your bank, creating a package, and attaching it to a booking. The rest is automated!

Fully automated booking, email notifications, and customizable checkout

Payments directly routed to your bank account, including financial tracking and management

Your custom branding on emails, bookings and checkout

See example Booking

Sell packages, not line items

Your work is special; it deserves more than a line of text on your website and invoices (e.g. “Family Session - 1 Hour - $500”). With Focal Packages, clients see the value in what you offer.

"With Focal, I love when I get an inquiry and the customer already knows what they want. They already read everything and they just want to book" - Christin C.

No more line items! Attach a package to your booking invoices

Fully automated booking, email notifications, and customizable checkout

See example Package

Elevate your photography business

Book clients with Focal

Book a demo
try The Partner Plan for 30 days


Being a photographer is easier with Focal


"Everything's filtered right [to my dashboard], and [I'm] able to sort and filter and manage all the clients and dates and times and payments all in one spot. It's been fantastic. Everyone's willing to answer questions, no matter what time of day I reach out.



I am sure Focal is the future. Everything is clearly laid out and easy for customers to book. Customers can find what they're looking for in minutes or less. It’s also so convenient because instead of writing emails explaining stuff and usually confusing the customer, Focal answers all their questions for me and some more.



Focal has given me the chance to connect not just with clients, but within the photography community. It’s been amazing to be so supported by a dedicated and passion-fuelled team. Focal sees the value in photographers and are always committed to delivering incredible experiences to their clients. I love being a part of that!


We want to see you succeed.

At Focal, we truly value you as a photographer. We empathize that in order to pursue your passion, you have to wear a lot of different hats. From small business owner, to salesperson, to artist or accountant, our goal is help you lighten the load. That's why we offer a number of support services to our users to help ensure you succeed and feel empowered as an artist and entrepreneur.

Book a demo

Satisfaction Guarantee

We really don't want your money unless you are getting good value out of our product. If, at any time, you feel Focal isn't delivering on its promises, we will refund your subscription or extend your free trial until we can change your mind.

Portfolio and Package Curation

We want you to be able to show off your best work with Focal, but we know that sometimes it can be hard writing about yourself and what you do. That's why our team of talented writers are here to give you a helping hand and ensure your portfolio conveys your value as a photographer.

Hands-On Support

We aren't like other companies that are going to leave you with a 200-page instruction manual and expect you to figure it out. Our team is always excited to jump on a Zoom call or reply to your Instagram DMs. We'll happily show you how to get Focal working the way you want for your business.


Because everyone can use a little help from their friends.

Focal University

The blog where photography meets business


One-on-One Mentorship

Mentoring from seasoned photographers


Professional Presets

Tailored Lightroom presets to level-up your photos



Let's answer some of your questions

What happens when I schedule a demo?

Our demo calls usually go 30-45 minutes. We want to get to know you and your business before we explore how Focal could improve your workflow. Once we've introduced ourselves, we'll take you through a demo of the platform to show you exactly how you would set up your portfolio, connect it to your website, and take bookings. Then, if you're ready to sign up, we'll apply a free trial of the Partner plan and take you through the registration process step-by-step. Most photographers get their Focal Portfolios set up and integrated into their website the same day and are taking bookings by the evening.

I already have an investments page on my website. How is Focal different?

We’ve designed our packages and portfolios to go beyond the usual “X number of photos for $Y” formula. We feel it’s missing a major piece of the picture: telling your story as a photographer — and in turn, conveying value. What makes you special as a photographer? What do you do that nobody else can do? We’ve built our packages to put your story front and center.
Imagine you’re shopping for a camper van. The first three places you visit list only the price and the miles per gallon. But then you come to a lot where the salesperson takes you into an RV, makes a fist, and punches the roof. They tell you how the RV was built to withstand heavy snowfall during the winter. The roof is stronger and more durable than other models. Which camper van are you going to remember?

Which Focal plan is for me: Starter or Partner?

We designed the Focal Starter plan to be an end-to-end solution for newer photographers looking for a professional system to start commercializing their business. It includes all the tools you would need to start offering and booking shoots — and is so simple you can get set up in a day.

Our Partner plan is geared toward seasoned photographers who are booking more than $500 in shoots per month. It allows you to take full control of your branding by using your own custom domain and includes a Focal Marketplace listing so your dream clients can find you.

How does Focal help me book more clients?

Instead of being ghosted after sending your prices, or having customers visit your website and bouncing, Focal provides you with tools to convert more of those leads. Our portfolios and packages focus on what make you unique as a photographer — a formula that leads to better matches with your clients and happier, long-term customers.

Browse and Book a Photographer on the Focal Marketplace

Browse Styles, Compare Packages and Find The Perfect Photographer
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